Hello Out There!


Well hello, gentle readers. At least, I'm assuming you're gentle. Gentle giants that happened to stumble upon this page probably because I begged you to come here and read about me. Chances are that you are here because you know me, because I guided you here via social media. But, on the off chance that this blog takes off beyond my current expectations and individuals who I do not know end up reading my ramblings, I feel that a proper introduction is in order.

Who is Writing This Jazz? 

I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a geek. I am passionate about literature, language, faith, family, football, entertainment, and living life to its fullest. I'm a TV junkie, an aspiring author, and I am a Mormon.

What Are You Going to Write About?

My plan with this blog is to remain focused on a couple different things. 1. Positivity. 2. Self-Improvement. 3. Insights about life and learning. In the past when I have attempted to blog about my personal life or random comments on pop culture, I have not remained motivated. I feel this is because I believe writing should make a difference in people's lives. I think that's my goal for this blog. That maybe I can post something that someone needs to hear. I could be the answer to someone's prayers. I can spread love and positivity in a world where these things can be hard to find. Maybe that's a lofty goal, but I prefer to shoot for the moon and perhaps end up among the stars.

Why Should We Care What This "Hayley" Person Has to Say? 

When I served a mission for my church from 2010-2011, I wrote home every week. I had friends and family who would forward my letters or post them on a blog for anyone to read. I had imagined a select few individuals reading my letters, skimming them at best. You can imagine my surprise when lo and behold, I discovered that many people were reading my letters who I didn't even know that well! I received consistent feedback about how inspirational they were or how much they were learning as a result of my communications home. I do not claim to be an authority on anything. I am not here to tell anyone how to live their life. Rather, I feel a responsibility to continually improve my own life, and as I find things that work for me, share them with others. This life is a team effort, after all. We're all in this together.

Oh Great, Another Blog. Booorrriiinnng.

I know, I know. I barely read blogs, to be honest. And when I do, it's a post here and a post there. Another mistake I've made in the past is writing with the assumption that a lot of people would want to read what I have to say. If no one reads this blog, that's okay with me. I am still developing and using my talents and passions to do something good with my time, and that's enough for me. But if you do happen to like what you read, feel free to come on back.

I'm Not Mormon. I'm Outta Here!

It's true that as a Mormon, my posts will be faith-based. It is such an all-encompassing aspect of my life that it is impossible for me to write about anything without incorporating my faith in some way. That being said, I'm not here to preach. I'm not here to convert. Occasionally I may write Mormon-specific posts, but my overall goal is to write uplifting messages and insights that can apply to anyone, regardless of religion, race, gender, etc. Joseph Smith, the founder/first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, once said that kindness is our religion. That is what I believe to be true, and I am just trying to do my part, however small, to share that kindness with the world.

I Think Mormons are Crazy and Now I Want to Fight!

I'm not here to fight. Oh I'm tough! I know Taekwondo! I could fight, but I choose not to. Again, part of my personal growth is learning to pick my battles, and I have learned that fighting over faith is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. Nothing will be accomplished and it will leave a nasty taste in your mouth. If anyone has genuine questions for me about my beliefs, I'm more than happy to share them. Likewise, I am more than happy to learn about the beliefs of others. I will try to handle sensitive political issues or current events (if I discuss them at all) with the utmost civility and respect.

I hope to update this weekly. And again, this is merely a forum for me to share things that I am learning, and I hope that you will feel prompted to share your own experiences with me. By so doing, we can reduce our own ignorance, become more culturally and spiritually aware, and overall, become our best selves.

Stay tuned!


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